Cue the confetti, here comes a big announcement…
Historic has been acquired by Masterworks!
Woot woot!
Having partnered with Masterworks for some time, it wasn’t long before we were smitten by Masterworks… and them with us!
Here’s why.
Masterworks has decades of marketing and fundraising experience helping faith-based nonprofits of every shape and size accomplish their mission in the world. As a leader in the space, they’re serious about pursuing innovative strategies to drive meaningful impact in the world.
Here’s how Historic co-founders put it:
“In Masterworks, specifically Bryan Brown and Steve Woodworth, we found a shared vision for a world where nonprofits become the most innovative organizations. Through this acquisition, we get to build on Masterworks’ innovative history by combining it with our innovative approach. Historic has always been about helping our clients ‘do more good,’ and this positions us to do just that.”
– Mark Miller, Historic Co-Founder, Executive Vice President at Masterworks
“The leaders and organizations we both serve need new levels of support, innovation, and creative problem solving. By coming together, Historic and Masterworks will be perfectly positioned to fuel the mission of our clients in ways that we’ve only dreamed of. I could not be more fired up for the road ahead!”
– Ted Vaughn, Historic Co-Founder, Executive Vice President at Masterworks
By joining forces, we’ll leverage our combined strengths, expertise, and passion to help leaders like you turn your vision into a world-changing strategy.
“Christian organizations need new solutions to meet today’s and tomorrow’s challenges. Partnering with Historic allows Masterworks to build upon its decades of faithful service and offer new, innovative solutions to help Christian organizations grow and thrive.”
– Bryan Brown, Masterworks President
One thing that’s staying the same: Historic will still be Historic.
Every nonprofit team we work with will continue to experience the same level of service, care, and delivery that you’ve come to expect.
We’ll still engage with your challenges, explore your opportunities, and design your breakthrough solutions… just as if they were our own.
And we’ll do it fast.
At the same time, we’ll be able to draw on the additional resources and expertise Masterworks offers.
The result? You’ll be better equipped with a culture, brand, and innovative strategies to build the future that should be.
In the meantime, could you do us a favor?
Would you mind lifting your right hand into the air?
Now do the same with your left hand.
Turn your palms facing each other.
Now clap, and don’t hold back.
That’s you, celebrating with us!
If you dig it, you can even shout “hooray!!” with us.
Because in all honesty, we’re pretty stoked on this big news. The future is looking bright!
Got a moment? Read the announcement from Masterworks.